Translation editing and proofing
The standard rates for translation in our bureau already includes the price for editing and proofreading and is the final price. At the same time there may be occasions when customers apply to us making requests for editing or proofreading a translation which has already been performed.
Most often the need in translation editing or proofreading may occur in the following cases:
- The customer is not sure of quality of translation performed by another translation bureau or some independent translator.
- After the translation has been completed the original text has been slightly changed and the customer may not identify these changes in the translation text. As a result, to ensure conformity of the new original version with the translation text, the last one should be proofread. When changes are displayed (e.g., highlighted in some color) in the original text, only the translation of color highlighted text is to be paid and not translation proofreading (provided, the translation was originally done in our bureau).
- The customer requests us to make notary certification of the document and has already a translated text (e.g., the translation is performed by the customer itself). It should be remembered that the translator bears responsibility (under penalty of criminal charge, if acted with intent) for translation quality of a document which carry his notarized signature. For this reason, translation and proofreading in such case must be paid additionally.
- If there is a need to translate a large number of similar documents (e.g., certificates). In this case, the translation of the first document is paid according to standard rates, the translation of other documents is reimbursed at the price of translation proofreading.
- Stylistic editing of the translated text by a native speaker. This type of necessity may occur for translation into a foreign language of website texts, advertising materials or literary works. The standard price of translation to the Russian language does not include its stylistic editing by a native speaker.
- Translation proofreading after layout (provided the layout is done not in our bureau). During the layout process (especially if layout specialist does not know the target language) some words and, sometimes, whole paragraphs may be lost. Text proofreading is done by translator. Consequently, absence of errors in the final design is guaranteed.
The price for translation proofreading in some cases is 50% of the standard translation rates. The volume of corrections included in the standard price of translation editing and proofreading may not exceed 15-20% of the text volume. Corrections are paid additionally (under standard translation prices). The price for translation stylistic editing by native speaker is quoted individually.